Online Fiqh Learning Course
When we use the word ‘Fiqh’ we mean ‘to know, to understand, and to memorize something’. The term Fiqh is used to describe the ability to acquire Islamic sciences and having a deep understanding and knowledge about faith and religion. It’s about understanding the faith through logic and arguments whether some actions are desirable or forbidden. As Fiqh refers to the laws that should be followed by all Muslims at every stage of life, kids also should be well versed in the science of Fiqh. They should learn and inoculate the right conduct (Ma’ruf) and stay away from what is wrong (Munkar). We lay emphasis on education on Islam ways of living one’s life. These beliefs are to be permeated at every phase of the course. Our online course is apt for you if you want to know about the religion of Islam more deeply and if it’s obligatory to learn Fiqh.
The Theme of the course:
The Online Course of Fiqh is meant for all age groups and aims at teaching the rules of Fiqh to all its students. This online course helps the students to have a deep understanding of the text and find their interpretations of the Holy book of Quran. Many people turn to Fiqh tutorials as they are unable to understand the true meanings of the verses in the Quran and so they prefer taking the Fiqh classes.
Description of the Course:
The syllabus of the Fiqh course is so designed so as to develop a deep understanding in the different matters concerning Islamic law. It translates the rules of Allah that concern actions like what is required and what is not. Few examples are what is correct or Wajib, what is sinful or Haraam, what is recommended or mandub, what is approved or makruh or what is neutral or mubah. The syllabus is basically divided into two parts- first being Fiqh Essentials and the other being Advanced Topics that cover the opinions of the four prominent schools which are Malki, Hanfi, Shafi, and Hanbali).
During the early phases, the syllabus mainly focuses on basic laws and practices of Islam. The motive is to give emphasis on the development of basic concepts of Islamic practices and Iman. Children are supported so that they develop their own identity as Believers or Mu’minun. The students are trained to inculcate Islamic etiquettes and manners into their daily activities of life. At higher levels, the students learn about how to perform Islamic worship or Ibadaat and how to perform them or Hajj.
Most of the students easily respond to a classroom-based teaching method where they receive the complete attention of the teacher. Eijazah Online brings this method to your homes through online teaching and comfortable learning of every student is assured. Our teachers are there for each student to teach them personally via Google Duo or skype. This ensures the child can ask any doubts as and whenever they want and still be comfortable at home.
Goals and objectives of the course
Our main goal is to spread the Quran education and the teachings of Allah around the world. Through easy and quality teachings being brought to people’s home via online classes, our motive is to let everyone know about the teachings of the Quran and how to worship.
After taking these course :
- Young children will grow on to become the fine example of Islamic behavior and put it in practice
- The students will become valuable members of their communities
- Students will be able to perform the duties put upon them by Allah written in the Quran.
- They will invite goodness and the right conduct and forbid from indecency and they will become successful.
Who should take this course?
There are no restrictions on students who want to learn more about Islam online. All Muslim children should certainly learn the fundamental basics of their religion, which includes a detailed description of how to follow the prophet’s example of faith and life. Anyone who wishes to learn about the rules of Fiqh for a better understanding of the worshipping through Quran should take up the online Fiqh Learning course and learn the art of Ibadaat and Hajj.
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